For Authors
The Journal of Leadership and Management brings together a focus on strategic, behavioral and public aspects of leadership in management, providing a platform for the researchers, academicians, and practitioners to impart and share knowledge of leadership and management. The Journal of Leadership and Management is a Cabell’s approved journal that covers leadership and management in many domains; business (including accounting, finance, marketing, supply chain, logistics, economics, entrepreneurship), health, technology, strategic planning, education, sports, and many others.
Starting in 2024 the Journal of Leadership and Management is published twice a year.
Submission and contact details
Journal of Leadership and Management welcomes the submission of original articles covering the following:
- empirical articles
- theoretical articles
- integrative articles
- case studies
- proposals for special issues
Before submitting a file in email, potential authors must have their contact information entered into the system. Please sign up or login using the button in the top right section of the webpage. Choose PROGRAM and then Journal of Leadership and Management when asked to select an option.
Papers must be original, unpublished work written in English. Papers submitted are encouraged to use the JLM Word Template provided [click here to download template] and may be accepted as is.
Files submitted with other formatting may only be accepted with a revise and resubmit as the final submission must utilize the styles in the template in order to be published. Also please note that the electronic version of the journal (downloaded from the website) will be issued in full color, while the print edition (published on has a color cover, but internally is printed in black & white. Any graphics utilized must be legible either in color or black & white. Additionally, the final submission must include the Conflict of Interest statement, and use an author-name reference style such as MLA or APA. More style details for the final submission can be found in the template.
(If you wish, you can download a template without any of the embedded instructions [click here to download])
All papers are double-blind-reviewed by at least two reviewers including at least one editor. Review time is typically 30 to 90 days. The deadline for the next issue is December 30, 2024 (for the January 2025 issue) There is an article publication fee after acceptance of $150. You can pay the fee by writing check to HPL Institute, (put Journal of Leadership and Management [or JLM] in the memo line). Send to HPL Institute, PO Box 564, Douglassville PA 19518. Or, use the following link: [Link to Paypal] All articles are published open access using Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND) copyright including attribution to both the authors and this journal.
Authorship Ethics
Authorship credit should be based on:- substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, analysis, and interpretation of data.
- drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
- final approval of the version to be published.
Authors should meet all three conditions. All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in the acknowledgments section. All persons must give written permission to be acknowledged.
Authors must disclose all conflicts of interest (which can have influence for value of article) to the Editor and describe them in dedicated form, which is a part of the submitting process. The reviewers and editors are also obliged to disclose to Editor-in-chief all connections which could be suspected as conflict of interests with the author. By submitting the manuscript for publication the author agrees, that the manuscript could be subjected to verification by internet plagiarism detection software. All detected cases of scientific misconduct will be disclosed, including notification of proper institutions. If Artificial Intelligence support tools have been used in the writing of this paper, the use of those tools and the way they were used must be disclosed. Generally, papers utilizing AI tools would not be accepted in most circumstances.
All articles published in the Journal of Leadership and Management are simultaneously licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Noderivs 4.0 International terms ().
This will allow others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Submission Preparation Checklist
(Initial submissions may be made without using the template styles, but following this format will give you the most efficient path toward acceptance.)- Have you downloaded and reviewed in detail the formatting requirements listed in the JLM Word Template?
- Have you utilized the style formatting and followed the directions in order to be able to submit your document in Word format?
- Have you ensured that you are following all of the ethical guidelines listed here and in the JLM Word Template?
- Have you completed and saved the authorship and conflict of interest statement form as the first few pages of the submission?
- Have you made a copy of the main document and stripped out the name and affiliations of the authors to blind it for the reviewers?
- Have you submitted the two versions of the document to gro.tnemeganampihsredaelj@srotide?
- Have you created an account and gotten on the mailing list for JLM?